Artist Insider 16:1 – Sherry Paige – Double Major
Insider: Sherry Paige
The Insider of this week is Sherry Paige who succeeded in many different areas from those we have already featured. This segment covers some early development then quickly moves into the world of music television, before there was MTV.
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- Did you go to College in Middle Tennessee?
- What did you major in?
- Have you always enjoyed the arts?
- You were writing scripts?
- What was your early music training?
- What were you involved with in College?
- You were an art missionary to the sorority?
- What is a sound-alike?
- How did you make those connections?
- How were you paid for sound alikes?
- What did those sessions lead to?
- What television work did you do?
Tomorrow the Nashville Number System, background singing, and session work.
Running time: 11 minutes 26 seconds
August 24, 2006
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