discussing plans | May 21, 2009

in a few hours Greg & Jonathan shall be meeting to catch up & discuss the future of Artist Insider.

If you have any comments, ideas, thought, suggestions, etc?

Artist Insider Q&A – Great Royal Twitter | May 9, 2008

Seventh show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan.

Today we focused on lessons learned and future plans for the summer and beyond. Summer begins for us in June.

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Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • What we have seen recently?
  • royalty issues – mechanical rate & DPD discussion
  • radio stations can be paid to play music
  • Good to Great by Jim Colins (his website)
  • The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
  • Talkshoe getting more involved with facebook apps
  • twitter – we have one, follow us
  • Keeping up with technology
  • Jars of Clay does some great marketing –remix our song contest
  • Dead Man Mobile Mash-Up Video
  • future plans at Artist Insider – Summer Schedule
  • Are artist in general more knowledgeable about the legal side of the music industry?
  • Document Reviews, save money or not?
  • Music Law Biz

Summer Schedule will be out in early June, send your questions ASAP, through the chat on the front page, or contact page.


Artist Insider Q&A – Independent Quality | April 10, 2008

Sixth show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan.

Today we focused on what happened at the CIA Summit, the fact that all independent artist, freelancers, and many others, really are in a business, and some steps to success.

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Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • What happened at the CIA Summit?
  • What was the biggest realization?
  • How do I get rich?
  • well I just want to live comfortably
  • I can’t seem to break the 50k mark in salary :/
  • ~ Tim, Delray Beach, FL
  • I have been so busy working as an independent business owner, I have not done my taxes; any suggestions?
  • “will it blend? – that is the question

Will it blend, was brought up because of an interesting article in the Salt Lake Tribune, and a post that landed in Jonathan’s RSS Reader. It’s a simple marketing campaign that is very effective.

Next Q&A will be on April 24th, and Greg will present the basics of copyright and then take questions. Listen to the Q&A4 titled “Video Copyright Producer” where we all have some similar background.

Submit questions when you think of them, then show up at 5:05EST and you can be reminded of your question and ask it live.


Artist Insider Q&A – Conference & Convention Summit | March 28, 2008

Fifth show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan.

The focus is conferences, conventions, summits, and expos, whatever you want to call them, times and places where you can meet people with a specific interest and gain both a larger network and greater knowledge if you want to.

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Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • “What’s the best way to introduce yourself and build connections? specifically, how not to come across as creepy :)” ~ Matt in Tennessee
  • Should I go to a conference?
  • As a freelancer how much of my conference-going expenses are tax deductible? ~ Shaun in California
  • “What do you do when you start falling asleep?
    • “no, even better when the guy is snoring next to you 😛
    • “but actually, dealing with monotone voices is hard”
    • ~Tricia in California
  • What are the differences between a conference and a convention? Summit? Expo?
  • Are there art conferences?
  • Should you hand business cards out like candy?

We have easier control over the “Featured Video” on the front page and strongly encourage everyone to watch the one in the post we titled RSS is your Friend. We also have a tip jar for anyone who would like to treat us to something nice, or to encourage us to keep going.


Artist Insider Q&A 2008-03-13 Video Copyright Producer | March 13, 2008

Fourth show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan

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Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • some follow-up to AI Q&A from 2008-02-28
  • Why can all contracts not be one page?
  • I produce physical and electronic media, like photographs, music, websites, and graphics. What is the most reliable way to protect my work, besides actually getting/registering a copyright/trademark/etc? ~Matt in Virginia
  • statutory damages & court costs
  • What about Creative Commons?
  • When is a Copyright created?
  • How long does a Copyright last?
  • why do copyrights still exist? I have the opinion that they create of a loss of creativity and competition. ~JoshB from Memphis
  • Is Hulu.com – a way to view TV and Movies online for free – but is it legal?
  • What is the role of a record producer?
  • Become a “fan” of Artist Insider, on the Artist Insider page on Facebook.
  • Also, consider the Talkshoe Application on Facebook.
  • I am doing a video project for a middle school football team and want to use a song from a band I know in the background. What do I need to do to legally use that song in the video? ~Jeff from Nashville
  • Jeff mentioned Music Services – it licenses music for different projects
  • What is the law about making a video with background music and releasing it online without any copyright license? ~follow-up by Jeff
  • We will be at the CIA Summit with our mobile recording studio on March 28th – 29th. Keith Mohr produces it.
  • Music Law Biz
  • Seneff Law

That does it for this week. We have a few more questions already in the que we will get to next time on March 27th. You can send in your own questions or join the show and participate *Live*. Add ArtistInsider (feed) to your favorite RSS reader to keep up to date on the news, or fill in the form to get our posts emailed to you.


Artist Insider Q&A 2008-02-28 Business Independent Publishing | February 28, 2008

Third show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan

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Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • Seneff Law
  • Phil Remone – Making Records
  • Artist Insider Tip Jar
  • Do you get in trouble if you play a clip from a TV show on the air? ~Matthew
  • What about using a clip as an example in a podcast? ~Follow-up by Matthew
  • What is the best way to protect your publishing rights when entering a first time record deal? ~Laura Clapp
  • mentioned interview with Tom Bogan
  • I have been creating graphics projects, and some music for right at 10 years. Eventually I want it to be my full time business, I should start a company or just keep doing everything under my name? ~Matt in Virginia
  • The E-Myth Revisited by Michale Gerber (E-Myth.com)
  • TWIT 133 in this episode of This Week in Tech, they talk with Jonathan Coulton, an independent musician and about the current music industry. Here are his Listening Suggestions. (direct download)

That does it for this week. We have a few more questions already in the que we will get to next time on March 13th. You can send in your own questions or join the show and participate *Live*. Add ArtistInsider (feed) to your favorite RSS reader to keep up to date on the news, or fill in the form to get our posts emailed to you.


Artist Insider Q&A 2008-02-14 PodcampNashville Legislation | February 14, 2008

This was the second Artist Insider Q&A session, hosted by Greg & Jonathan.

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Topics include:

At some point Greg also mentioned Encore, a music-oriented online news magazine. This session was a good one, however much of the best was not recorded, either before or after the live show. We hope those who joined us live enjoyed the pre and post show parts.


Artist Insider Q&A 2008-01-31 Looking to Season 2 | February 1, 2008

This was the first Artist Insider Q&A session, hosted by Greg & Jonathan.

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Topics include:

  • Vision and mission of Artist Insider
  • Greg & Jonathan’s backgrounds
  • What was learned from Season 1
  • Show plans
  • Money plans
  • Other ideas

This was a good show to get our thoughts and plans out, but also to test out a new audio system. We plan on keeping the audio quality for the main Artist Insider shows, then with Artist Insider Q&A the quality should be improved, but we do see some continued potential issues.


working through issues | January 24, 2008

Today we learned that the service that hosts our files for download had a major issue this past week. Our Season 1 shows are down, but should be back in time.

Jonathan went ahead and recorded a quick show to see if this fixes some of the issues that we are experiencing around here.


Artist Insider 18:5 – Larry Carpenter – Milk & Yogurt | September 19, 2006

Insider: Larry Carpenter

This is our closing segment with talk about career advice and getting started.

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  • How do you start a book store?
  • What is a good career path?
  • What should a publisher do before they approach a distributor?
  • Should someone get an MBA if they want to be in distribution?
  • Any good resource suggestions?
  • How to contact Larry

Tomorrow we will tell a little about our near term plans.

Running time: 12 minutes 28 seconds

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