Artist Insider 8.1: Dianne Arvin | May 31, 2006

Insider: Dianne Arvin

Today we begin a new interview with Dianne Arvin, a painter and wife of author & producer Reed Arvin. She gives great insight that can be applied to anyone working as talent.

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  • Where are you from originally?
  • You began your interest in art early on?
  • What were the steps to make money off painting?
  • Was that your big break?
  • Does someone think my baby is pretty?
  • Have you pursued gallery showings?
  • How do you start?

Tomorrow we foci on business, rejection, change and more.

Running time: 10 minutes 54 seconds

Dianne Arvin | May 31, 2006

Born and raised in Nashville, TN, Dianne felt that she was born with a desire and need to be an artist, and she started painting at the age of eight. As a young student, she was more interested in the pictures in the books and encyclopedias rather than the words, causing her to be a “late reader.” Dianne continued her love of art into college where she majored in Fine Arts with a focus on metalworking and jewelry making. After college, she continued painting but knew that there would not be much of an income in it, so she started working in sales for an engineering company started by her brother-in-law. She worked for the company for thirteen years. Then, as what happens to so many who are not doing what they love, she became burned out and quit her job to pursue happiness. She went back to school, met and married her husband, Reid, and started working in art therapy. Read more

Artist Insider 7.5: Keith Mohr – IndieHeaven Radio | May 30, 2006

Insider: Keith Mohr

Today is our last free segment with Keith with more ideas for webmasters, info for potential IndieHeaven members, and a way to find music.

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Questions and topics:

  • What has been the most successful advertising for you?
  • Can you tell us about the radio portion of the site?
  • What about selling CDs and making money on IndieHeaven?
  • Final thoughts by Keith and closeout

Tomorrow we begin an interview with a painter who is married to a music producer and author.

Running time: 11 minutes 10 seconds

Artist Insider 7.4: Keith Mohr – Maximum Content | May 29, 2006

Insider: Keith Mohr

The foci of this segment include mistakes made, lessons learned, developing the wheel, and success

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Questions and topics:

  • What are some common mistakes?
  • So, most artists want to reinvent the wheel?
  • What is the primary lesson you have learned?
  • Is there a max amount of content that the market will absorb?
  • What percent artists/bands go flop?
  • success is relative
  • What’s your business background?

Tomorrow is the last segment with Keith and focused on advertising, radio, and making money.

Running time: 10 minutes 59 seconds

Artist Insider 7.3: Keith Mohr – Rattling Cages | May 26, 2006

Insider: Keith Mohr

This free segment tells how to get involved in IndieHeaven and more about the features. There is also talk about giving away $20,000.

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Questions and topics:

  • Lets define Independent Artist
  • What is the process of getting involved?
  • What is the difference from a free site?
  • What was the Momentum Award?
  • Practical help or trends that have happened? Tips?

Enjoy this Memorial Day Weekend, at least in the USA. The free segment for Monday focuses on mistakes people have made and lessons learned.

Running time: 11 minutes 46 seconds

Artist Insider 7.2: Keith Mohr – Schedules to Nametags | May 25, 2006

Insider: Keith Mohr

Today there is a lot of talk about the CIA Summit, where we recorded Aritst Insider 3 with Andrew Peterson and the one on one interviews in Artist Insider 6.

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Questions and topics:

  • How did your background prepare you for this?
  • What is the CIA Summit?
  • What was different this year?
  • What is the schedule like?
  • More about the summit and all
  • You by yourself or have a team?

Tomorrow more tips & tricks, giving away $20,000 and getting involved.

Running time: 11 minutes 10 seconds

Artist Insider 7.1: Keith Mohr | May 24, 2006

Insider: Keith Mohr

Today we begin a normal week at Artist Insider. Thanks to those who filled out our survey & contacted us.

Keith is the founder of a community driven website, and an annual conference. He does not think of himself as a webmaster, but he has done a good job as a content manager.

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Questions and topics:

  • Basics of IndieHeaven
  • How hard was it starting out with 4 members?
  • Is the mission to get people signed to a label?
  • What are some of the tools on IndieHeaven provides?

Tomorrow we get more into what has happened and other services.

Running time: 10 minutes 56 seconds

Keith Mohr | May 24, 2006

keith mohrAbout:
In 1997, Keith saw the future of music, and it was then he created his independent online music promotion, marketing, distribution community called “Broken Records.” Starting with just 4 artists he produced at his studio in Central Pennsylvania, the site quickly grew to 800 members in just a few years. Providing free services helped Keith keep a steady stream of artists who came to his studio for production assistance. In 2002, Keith changed the name of his website to IndieHeaven, which better reflected his mission. Still going strong through .com busts and free social networking, Keith recently created a non-profit organization called the Christian Independent Alliance to further help core Indieheaven members with fund raising for their music missions. Keith also produces a conference in Franklin, TN where hundred of independent musicians from around the globe assemble to learn how to not be dependent. Read more

Artist Insider 6.5: Michael De Vorzon | May 23, 2006

Insider: Michael De Vorzon

Today is the last free segment from the CIA Summit, at least for now. This one on one interview is between Jonathan Nation and Michael De Vorzon of MasterWriter a program to help songwriters.

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Questions and topics:

  • What does MasterWriter do?
  • Suggestions for budding actors
  • Why does someone need an agent?
  • Suggested Backstage West (A Regional Magazine)
    • Have good photos
    • Be aggressive & persistent
    • Get tape on yourself

May 22, 2006 Greg & Jeff interviewed the founder of the CIA Summit and we will begin releasing segments from that interview tomorrow.

Running time: 11 minutes 01 seconds

Michael De Vorzon | May 23, 2006

Michael has acting and music in his blood. He has made a career as an actor on the small and big screen and working for MasterWriter. Michael is pleased with his role in Murder at the Chat Noir. Read more

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