New Theme – Not Finished | January 31, 2008

With us having our first *Live* eppisode of Artist Insider Q&A, we wanted to start with a good new theme, however, this theme is not finished.

We plan on tweaking several things, some you might notice, and others you should not see.

If you have suggestions or comments, we are always open and wanting for them.

Notes for Live Q&A on 01-31 | January 31, 2008

We are starting in a couple minutes, here are some of the topics we plan on discussing in addition to questions from the guests. Please enter questions to be checked on our front page in the chat box.

  • Our Mission
  • About Greg & Jonathan
  • What we learned from Season 1.
  • Plans
    • Artist Insider
      • live for subscribers
      • Release free segments
    • AI Q&A
      • Live, free & open
      • focus on the free segments we have released
      • weekly during a “season”, Monthly during breaks
  • Making money – If we don’t make enough, we will eventually move on to something else.
    • Free Trials – affiliate links for stuff you can try. Other possibilities
  • Other possibilities

If you have a question you can enter it in the chat here, or ask the audience through talkshoe, or call in.

AI Q&A Today | January 31, 2008

The first *live* Artist Insider Q&A will be today at 4:05 CST. We will be using Talkshoe, so you can send in questions through the chat, or call in.

The main topic, in addition to user questions, is the vision and plans for Season 2 of Artist Insider. Starting with things we learned both from the Season 1 Insiders and the just producing the show.

Main hosts today will be Greg and Jonathan; if you cannot make the show live, then send in your questions now and we will try to get to them during the show.

Andy Mckee – Drifting | January 28, 2008

This is a really great piece of acoustic work.

Read more

Artist Insider Q&A This Thursday | January 28, 2008

Thursday January 31st, we will hold our first Artist Insider Q&A using Talkshoe where you can call in and ask questions. In addition to answering questions focused on Talent Based Industries, we will talk about our plans for Season 2. Read more

working through issues | January 24, 2008

Today we learned that the service that hosts our files for download had a major issue this past week. Our Season 1 shows are down, but should be back in time.

Jonathan went ahead and recorded a quick show to see if this fixes some of the issues that we are experiencing around here.


podpress broken – tech support inbound | January 21, 2008

Podpress is a great program that we use here. It is currently not working and to help the tech support do their magic we have turned lots of stuff off and changed our theme to this.

We hope that all this will be fixed very soon.

getting closer | January 21, 2008

Much of the base theme selection is done. We still need some programming, a logo designed, and then template graphics work done.

We are looking to have a live show within the next couple weeks. Read more

some work around here | January 3, 2008

We are working on updating the website here. We have a base theme we know we are going to use, but plan on customizing it totally to what we want.

If you are interested in supporting Artist Insider you might consider volunteering some graphical or design skills. Really looking for a great logo and overall color scheme and all.

From time to time the site might be broken, because I am just going to do some fundamental work on the site in real time.

TBD | January 1, 2008

We are not sure what we want to put in this section. We are considering the following:

  • Q&A – some question that are asked and the answers
  • Live Event News – We are planning on doing out Q&A public, we also appear in different public places from time to time.
  • something else

So, if you have an idea then please send us a comment either to this post or through our contact page.