Artist Insider 16:5 – Sherry Paige – Wow, How did I get here? | August 29, 2006

Insider: Sherry Paige

This last segment with Sherry focuses on a few of her current projects.

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  • What are your some of your current projects?

A sudden death of a grandparent might throw a wrinkle in our release schedule, but the plan is to begin releasing with a singer & songwriter tomorrow.

Running time: 11 minutes 03 seconds

Artist Insider 16:4 – Sherry Paige – Muse | August 28, 2006

Insider: Sherry Paige

Theater is at the heart of this segment.
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  • What are some of your current endeavors?
  • What is “the book” in theater?
  • How do you keep motivated to the end of a project?

Tomorrow will be the last free segment with Sherry where she will talk about some of her recent experiences and endeavors.

Running time: 11 minutes 52 seconds

Artist Insider 16:3 – Sherry Paige – Statler Brothers | August 26, 2006

Insider: Sherry Paige

This special Saturday release is all about voice acting in the various forms.

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  • What is the difference between voice over and dubbing?
  • More on dubbing vs voice over
  • Was the intro standard?
  • How would someone get into voice over?
  • How can someone improve on their voice?

Monday will be the release of the next segment with some about theater.

Running time: 11 minutes 12 seconds

Artist Insider 16:2 – Sherry Paige – That | August 25, 2006

Insider: Sherry Paige

This segment has two parts, the first is about the Nashville Number System and determining prices for work, the second is about the process of self discovery.

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  • What is the Nashville Number System?
  • Has it caught on for other places?
  • What is the compensation like for background singers?
  • What was the next step after session work?

Tomorrow another free segment will be released with the topic shifing to voice over work and dubbing.

Running time: 12 minutes 06 seconds

Artist Insider 16:1 – Sherry Paige – Double Major | August 24, 2006

Insider: Sherry Paige

The Insider of this week is Sherry Paige who succeeded in many different areas from those we have already featured. This segment covers some early development then quickly moves into the world of music television, before there was MTV.

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  • Did you go to College in Middle Tennessee?
  • What did you major in?
  • Have you always enjoyed the arts?
  • You were writing scripts?
  • What was your early music training?
  • What were you involved with in College?
  • You were an art missionary to the sorority?
  • What is a sound-alike?
  • How did you make those connections?
  • How were you paid for sound alikes?
  • What did those sessions lead to?
  • What television work did you do?

Tomorrow the Nashville Number System, background singing, and session work.

Running time: 11 minutes 26 seconds

Sherry Paige | August 24, 2006

Sherry started out creating art early on with writing and music. She graduated from Vanderbilt with a double major in Political Science and Theater & Music. She has had success doing sound-alikes, vocal work on TV, background singer, writer for both theater and television.

One Day Delay | August 23, 2006

I, Jonathan Nation, editor, went on a trip this past weekend. I learned something that I wish I had known before the trip. My laptop we use to record the shows is not powerful enough, or something, to edit the shows.

I was in the woods, on a mountain in a cabin, with electricity, attempting to edit the show for tonight. It just would not work. Might be the hard drive is too full.

Tonight I worked on it and just was not happy with the results, thus I am up against the post time and made the decision to delay the start of this interview. I expect that we will release this one Tuesday – Saturday then Monday and Tuesday. The good news is we already have a second interview recorded and will start editing it as soon as this first is done.

Quick Update | August 16, 2006

A break for you this week, but not for us. We have two interviews scheduled for this Thursday and a couple more in a couple weeks. We even have some celebrity types talking with us to do an interview with them, but working schedules is the hard part.

As summer ends and many people get back from vacation, we should be back to our regular schedule.

We want to thank those of you who have sent us comments, filled out our survey, shared a free segment with a friend, and put a link on your blog or other website.

Artist Insider 15:5 – Jennifer Blair – 25 million albums | August 15, 2006

Insider: Jennifer Blair

This is out last free segment with Jennifer. She tells of how she continues to improve her craft and what she expects in the future.

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  • Would you recommend someone straight out of college start as an independent promoter?
  • What is the difference between “Promotions” and “Marketing”?
  • Does anyone work independent artists to primary markets?
  • Who is an example who has started on that secondary level and made it big?
  • What should an artist be prepared to do if they become popular?
  • What if a song is a bust?
  • Have you heard royalty rates for songwriters related to how well they do?
  • What do you expect in the future?
  • What does a label do and why do you not “need” one now?
  • Have you read any good books recently?
  • What should we have asked you that we did not?
  • Anything else our listeners could learn more from?

Running time: 12 minutes 34 seconds

Artist Insider 15:4 – Jennifer Blair – Who is this person? | August 14, 2006

Insider: Jennifer Blair

Ever heard of Clearchannel; you will today. Making friends and free swag are also talked about.

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  • What are different spins “levels”?
  • Would you contact XZY Clearchannel Station?
  • Are there music programmers who are not music people?
  • What do you talk to non-music people about?
  • Do you visit stations in person?
  • What is the Country Radio Seminar?
  • Do you receive lots of swag?
  • As a promoter, do you get a lot of freebies?
  • What are the important qualities to be a good song plugged?
  • How many singles at a time can you effectively work?
  • What is a call like when you are promoting 13 singles?
  • What did you say about the Dixie Chicks in that instance?
  • How are you getting new clients?
  • What does a song breaking wide open look like? What happens?

Tomorrow is our last day with Jennifer and it will include more recommendations, storied, and predictions.

Running time: 12 minutes 07 seconds

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