Artist Insider Q&A 2008-02-28 Business Independent Publishing
Third show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan
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Questions, Topics & Notes:
- Seneff Law
- Phil Remone – Making Records
- Artist Insider Tip Jar
- Do you get in trouble if you play a clip from a TV show on the air? ~Matthew
- What about using a clip as an example in a podcast? ~Follow-up by Matthew
- What is the best way to protect your publishing rights when entering a first time record deal? ~Laura Clapp
- mentioned interview with Tom Bogan
- I have been creating graphics projects, and some music for right at 10 years. Eventually I want it to be my full time business, I should start a company or just keep doing everything under my name? ~Matt in Virginia
- The E-Myth Revisited
by Michale Gerber (
- TWIT 133 in this episode of This Week in Tech, they talk with Jonathan Coulton, an independent musician and about the current music industry. Here are his Listening Suggestions. (direct download)
That does it for this week. We have a few more questions already in the que we will get to next time on March 13th. You can send in your own questions or join the show and participate *Live*. Add ArtistInsider (feed) to your favorite RSS reader to keep up to date on the news, or fill in the form to get our posts emailed to you.
[audio:]February 28, 2008
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