Artist Insider 15:5 – Jennifer Blair – 25 million albums

Insider: Jennifer Blair

This is out last free segment with Jennifer. She tells of how she continues to improve her craft and what she expects in the future.

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  • Would you recommend someone straight out of college start as an independent promoter?
  • What is the difference between “Promotions” and “Marketing”?
  • Does anyone work independent artists to primary markets?
  • Who is an example who has started on that secondary level and made it big?
  • What should an artist be prepared to do if they become popular?
  • What if a song is a bust?
  • Have you heard royalty rates for songwriters related to how well they do?
  • What do you expect in the future?
  • What does a label do and why do you not “need” one now?
  • Have you read any good books recently?
  • What should we have asked you that we did not?
  • Anything else our listeners could learn more from?

Running time: 12 minutes 34 seconds

August 15, 2006


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