*Live* Q&A Thursday April 10th | April 8, 2008

The next Artist Insider Q&A will be *Live* at 5:05pm EST this Thursday, April 10th.


  • Your Questions
  • Jonathan’s report outlined in Summit Lessons and more he left out of that report
  • Other highlights of what we have been studding and learning.
  • Questions in the Que

We encourage you to send your questions in when you think of them, then if you are at the *live* recording you will get priority, but if you miss the show you still might get your question answered. Contact us.

::: Update :::
The show is about to go *Live* at five past the hour. One note, we have had the Blue Angels buzzing where Jonathan is all day, and could make the show interesting. This was taken earlier today:

Blue Angle in Middle TN

Artist Insider Q&A – Conference & Convention Summit | March 28, 2008

Fifth show of Artist Insider Q&A, hosted by Greg and Jonathan.

The focus is conferences, conventions, summits, and expos, whatever you want to call them, times and places where you can meet people with a specific interest and gain both a larger network and greater knowledge if you want to.

Direct Download as an MP3
Subscriptions information – download each day automatically

Questions, Topics & Notes:

  • “What’s the best way to introduce yourself and build connections? specifically, how not to come across as creepy :)” ~ Matt in Tennessee
  • Should I go to a conference?
  • As a freelancer how much of my conference-going expenses are tax deductible? ~ Shaun in California
  • “What do you do when you start falling asleep?
    • “no, even better when the guy is snoring next to you 😛
    • “but actually, dealing with monotone voices is hard”
    • ~Tricia in California
  • What are the differences between a conference and a convention? Summit? Expo?
  • Are there art conferences?
  • Should you hand business cards out like candy?

We have easier control over the “Featured Video” on the front page and strongly encourage everyone to watch the one in the post we titled RSS is your Friend. We also have a tip jar for anyone who would like to treat us to something nice, or to encourage us to keep going.


*Live* Q&A Thursday March 27th 5:05EST | March 25, 2008

Just a quick reminder, we will do a *Live* Artist Insider Q&A this Thursday.

Send in your questions, even if you expect to be there live. We will answer questions form people who call in or are in the chat first, but then questions from our que.

The major topic, after audience questions, is “How to get the most out of a conference?” in honor of us attending a few this weekend.

Q&A Showprep for Feburary 28th, 5:05EST | February 26, 2008

This Thursday, 2008-02-28 will be the next *live* Q&A session.

Come prepared to ask questions, or discuss some of the following items (will add more over the next couple days).

  • Listener Questions
  • TWIT 133 in this episode of This Week in Tech, they talk with an independent musician and about the current music industry. ( direct download )
  • What have you learned recently?
  • Ways to generate money; our plans are pretty simple, what are yours?
  • Listener Questions

Listener questions are the focus of this show, however we have some stuff planned to direct the conversation or fill the time. See you Thursday, and if you cannot make it and have a question, send it in.

AI Q&A 2008-02-14 5:05EST | February 13, 2008

Artist Insider Q&A will be *Live* Thursday February 14th starting at 5:05pm EST. If you have a question you can join the show, or send it to me. On the air will be Greg, an Entertainment Lawyer, and Jonathan, strategist & systems professional.


Goal: Answer questions the audience has, and discuss what we have noticed recently. Read more