Planning to Plan | August 1, 2008

The Artist Insider Crew is scheduled to meet together soon to discuss the future of Artist Insider.

We would love feedback and suggestions either through the contact form or the comments section.

*Live* Q&A Thursday April 10th | April 8, 2008

The next Artist Insider Q&A will be *Live* at 5:05pm EST this Thursday, April 10th.


  • Your Questions
  • Jonathan’s report outlined in Summit Lessons and more he left out of that report
  • Other highlights of what we have been studding and learning.
  • Questions in the Que

We encourage you to send your questions in when you think of them, then if you are at the *live* recording you will get priority, but if you miss the show you still might get your question answered. Contact us.

::: Update :::
The show is about to go *Live* at five past the hour. One note, we have had the Blue Angels buzzing where Jonathan is all day, and could make the show interesting. This was taken earlier today:

Blue Angle in Middle TN