Artist Insider Favorite – 3: Mike Nolan 12.3 | August 4, 2006
This segment is from our interview Mike Nolan 12:3 – Visual Writer.
Short notes from the Executive Producer, Jonathan Nation:
- Time & Experience – the two things an independent person has to sell someone on.
- Most of what Mike talks about can be applied to anyone who needs to communicate a message.
- He really approaches his craft much the same way an engineer would.
Because this is a special, you will need to either pull the file if you already have or click a link on the website to download it. In the morning some thoughts and questions will be posted in the comments and we invite you to comment yourself.
Artist Insider 12:5 – Mike Nolan – The Guy That | July 4, 2006
Insider: Mike Nolan
Last day with Mike; we hope you are having a good summer and Happy Independence Day, at least in the USA.
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- How do you do networking?
- Where can people find our work?
- What about brochures?
- What do you expect in the future?
Tomorrow we are doing something a little different for us.
Running time: 11 minutes 33 seconds
Artist Insider 12:4 – Mike Nolan – Shades of Grey | July 3, 2006
Insider: Mike Nolan
Welcome back, we hope you had a good weekend.
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- Bernie talked about strategies, systems, or shortcuts; what are some of yours?
- Any resources you recommend?
- Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott
- Any more tips for someone starting out?
- What professionals do you use?
- An accountant is important?
Tomorrow is the last free segment with Mike, where he talks about finding work and the future.
Running time: 11 minutes 29 seconds
Artist Insider 12:3 – Mike Nolan – Visual Writer | June 30, 2006
Insider: Mike Nolan
Artist tend to see the world different from most, Mike tells about how he sees the world. He also tells some about the business side of the print world.
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- What is the process of designing a brochure?
- Please define “call out”
- What type of books have you written?
- How is working with Michael W. Smith?
- What is the range for an in-house writer?
- Do you charge different amounts depending on where a client is located?
- How many pages of text is one 30 minute tv show?
- How do you decide how much to quote and the structure of the quote?
Monday we will continue with Mike, looking more about the business side and earning a living being a freelance writer.
Running time: 11 minutes 49 seconds
Artist Insider 12:2 – Mike Nolan – Mimic | June 29, 2006
Insider: Mike Nolan
Everyone makes mistakes; Mike talks a little about what he does when he does.
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- Have you become a Marketer and Salesman?
- What is the difference between being in-house and freelance?
- Flexability is important?
- Have you truly bombed at a job?
- How do you get out of a low point?
- What is ghost writing like?
- What about writing bios?
Tomorrow we move in to using words as pictures, writing books, and the beginning of price structures.
Running time: 12 minutes 25 seconds
Artist Insider 12:1 – Mike Nolan | June 28, 2006
Insider: Mike Nolan
Today, we start a great interview with a wonderful author Mike Nolan, who had been mentioned by a previous Insider, Bernie Sheahan.
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- How do you describe what you do?
- What was your first experience as a copy writer?
- What, in college, prepared you to be in an ad agency?
- Any more advice to people about to start in a career?
- – Connecting people with nonprofit information
- Who do freelance writers write for beyond ad agencies?
- What have been some important experiences?
- How do freelance writers get jobs?
Tomorrow focuses more on the different types of jobs a freelance writer might have.
Running time: 11 minutes 36 seconds